Best Instant Breakfast Recipes That Can Be Done Under 5 Minutes

Best Instant Breakfast : Let’s start with this “breakfast like a king, lunch like a common man and dinner like a bagman” this is a very common quote that we listen to since childhood. But, are we doing it right like that? I would actually say a big no. As we grow older our responsibilities grow so we compromise on food to fulfil the other needs. Especially having a healthy filling breakfast seems to be a luxury and needs a lot of time and effort that’s what many of the working personnel think. Why breakfast seems that important? Breakfast is the most vital part of our everyday eating. Breakfast is breaking the long night’s fast and to kick start the day with a healthy and energetic touch. On a busy schedule of accomplishing day chores, we mostly skip breakfast or grab some nuts or fruits to tame the hunger dragon inside us. Is that healthy? Eating fruits and nuts are healthy, but they should be added as a combo with some stomach-filling breakfasts. Skipping breakfast is like your conti...